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Note from Rob Graves (Brother)


I miss my brother Mark. Together with my friends, he helped me to break out of my shyness. Please consider writing something on this website I wrote.  My Dad and Mom will make a  donation to Memorial High School for each person's note.


If you have some comments about what I should put in this website, please send

me an e-mail

Note from Mark Graves Sr. (Dad)


To all of Mark’s friends, teachers, and acquaintances.  I miss Mark very much.

A father is not supposed to outlive his children.


As I look through picture memories of Mark, I am reminded of his love for all the

people in his life.  I am very grateful for all the engagement he received during

his Catholic school education.


Mark Jr. had always liked science.  I have attached his college thesis.  It is

interesting to me as a physician, and I learned some basic physiology from him.  I

have also attached his vision statement about how we can work together and

advance the state-of-the-art understanding of the world around us. Mark made

this video about science collaboration.


Mark’s mother and I plan to make a donation to Memorial High School for

every entry shared.  Thank you Memorial High School.


I am very grateful to my son Rob who has built this site for us. Thank you Rob. 


Mark, I miss you very much.  



ï‚·  Technori presentation 








ï‚· Mark’s College thesis about how the brain functions

To see this please click on icon that says "PDF"






Mark Jr's vision: 
How research should be conducted

© 2024 Robert Graves, Web development by Robert Graves. Please comment Rob for comments and suggestions 

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